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Resource Directory

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The newly expanded Marbleseed Organic Resource Directory now includes buyers, suppliers, and certification agencies, as well as educational resources such as fact sheets, workbooks, guidebooks, and more.

Want to see your business or resource listed in the Marbleseed Organic Resource Directory? We review all submissions to ensure products, services, and educational resources are appropriate for inclusion in the directory. To submit your business or resource for consideration, please use the forms below.

If you would like to order large quantities of the Organic Resource Directory or Guidebooks, please email info@marbleseed.org, or call 888-906-6737 to place your order.

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Recently Added Resources

Fearless Farm Finances Online Course

Beginning Farmers, Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Farm Business : Marketing
This one-of-a-kind course is packed with instructions, tips, and tools for setting up and managing a farm’s financial system. It includes real-life examples from successful farmers and sample data to show how forms and records should look.

Observations of an Inspector
32-01-01 by Dean Dickel

Wow, I just finished my third season of organic farm inspections and am mostly impressed with the 61 farms I visited this summer.
Here are my observations and take-aways from my work, with the caveat…

5T Ranch Mini Cows

5T Ranch Mini Cows in Nevada breeds miniature Highland, HighPark, and mixed breed cows. With 30+ years of experience, they offer gentle, healthy animals.

Organic Certification and Tips for Choosing an Organic Certifier

Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Organic
Tips for choosing an organic certifier factsheet.

12/6/24: Farm Business Decisions Training Report Back

Beginning Farmers, Field Day / Training Recap
A small group of farmers gathered at the St. Croix Public Library December 1st to explore the Adaptive Learning Process. Led by Chrystal Johnson and Aiyana Sol Machado of Philadelphia Community Farm in Osceola, WI, it was an opportunity for growth and reflection.

To start the day, Chrystal and Aiyana led Exercises to relax participants and ease open interactions. The group then started to explore what factors most motivated their decision making processes on their farms. One illuminating exercise started by having farmers list several motivating factors that drive their farm business decisions. Through discussion, review and reflection, those factors were whittled down to three and then just one. With this in mind, farmers were asked to identify conflicts they currently face. Resolutions to these conflicts were then examined by identifying the best and worst possible outcomes as well as the outcome of not addressing the conflict. This disciplined approach to problem solving is designed to create a pathway for the best possible outcomes and identify the behaviors, strategies and actions will favor those best possible outcomes.

In attendance: Alpa Goswami Marbleseed

Chrystal Johnson Philadelphia Community Farm

Aiyana Col Machado Philadelphia Community Farm

Sara Anderson Mooney Marbleseed

Jody Lenz - Threshing Table Farm

Chris Pagliaro – Haycreek Honeybees

Emily Hanson – Whetstone Farm

A Grower's Guide to Organic Apples

Farming Systems : Organic, Fruits and Specialty Crops : Fruits, Production : Pests
Online organic resource for growing apples from Cornell University. Although these guides were written primarily for New York growers, the recommendations are applicable to growers in other humid regions.

Observations from an Inspector

Farm Business, Farming Systems
Organic Broadcaster Audio Article of “Observations of an Organic Inspector”, read by author Dean Dickel.

WiWiC: Maiv Flower Farm Field Day

Field Day / Training Recap
We had an amazing Wisconsin Women in Conservation Northwest field day on Tuesday August 6th at Maiv Flower Farm! We started with a learning circle, which provided a great opportunity to hear each of the 28 attendees. The farm tour was a relaxing stroll that was filled with lively discussions. We were lucky to meet Pa’s mother in the field who shared Hmong cucumbers with the group. These cucumbers are much larger and have a mild taste; we were happy to enjoy them on a hot day straight from the field.

On the tour we were amazed not only by the floral beauty but also by the fragrant Hmong Chicken Herbs. We learned about the traditional postpartum diet that helps heal the body after labor and other Hmong vegetables and herbs that are grown at Maiv Flower Farm. This helped set the scene for the amazing meal we enjoyed from My Deli, which is located inside the Ameriasian market in Eau Claire.

While sharing a meal, we were provided with great information shared by the NRCS and Pheasants Forever. The information shared help the attendees realize the numerous conservation practices that NRCS offers cost-share applications for.

We are grateful for everyone who attended, for our Conservation Coach, Pa Thao, and our Northwest conservation professionals, Jamie Bischel (jamie.kraklow@usda.gov) of the NRCS and Morgan Sikora (morgan.sikora@usda.gov) of Pheasants Forever. If you are interested in learning more about conservation practices or a conservation plan, please contact Mercedes Talvitie at mercedes.talvitie@marbleseed.org or the conservation professionals listed above.

8/12/23 WiWiC Potluck: Northwest Region

Field Day / Training Recap
We had a small but mighty crew come Bonnie Warndahl’s farm, Winnowburrow Farm & Florals in Colfax, WI. The seven of us joined casually and shared a meal together on a beautiful hilltop at golden hour. Without the pressure of a schedule or presentation the conversation budded into a discussion about agricultural zoning, agri-tourism, and virtual fencing. It was fun to see old and new friends come together and discuss what came naturally to them.

Bonnie specifically discussed how their farm is transforming and the grazing plan that will be implemented on the landscape in the upcoming year. She wants to utilize grazing to bring fertility into her soils. We hope to visit Winnowburrow Farm & Florals again to see how the landscape changes with animal impact.

Thank you to Bonnie and everyone who attended the first WiWiC Potluck in the Northwest region!

8/20/24 WiWiC Potluck: Northwest Region

Field Day / Training Recap
WiWiC hosted an amazing potluck at the River Doc Nature Conservancy (RDNC) ! The group started the day by dropping off their dishes on a pontoon boat, which gave everyone a chance to see the beauty of Lake Desair. The scenery continued as Cate Lucas, Naturalist Educator & Program Director, led us on a hike through the property. Lucas discussed how the property has changed over time as a result of conservation efforts to improve water quality, control erosion, and expand native species habitat. Additionally, Lucas discussed the grade school events and lessons that she teaches; it was fun to hear a child's perspective and how they have fun on the landscape.

Once we arrived at the cabin, our group enjoyed our potluck brunch and heard conservation stories from Carol Olson who, along with her husband, Rod the “River Doc”, donated their 55 acres of woodland, wetland, and prairie to the Rice Lake Area School District in order to provide opportunities to learn, grow, and play within nature. 

 I know I speak for all who attended, that RDNC is a hidden gem and has amazing, applicable conservation activities. Cate and Carol have a wealth of knowledge (and stories) that proved to be invaluable! I invite you to become a Friend of the River Doc Nature Conservancy ! If you are interested in the happenings of the RDNC and curious about volunteer projects, please email Cate Lucas at lucasc@ricelake.k12.wi.us with your Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Mailing Address. You are welcome to join whether or not you were able to attend this WIWiC potluck.


Farm Business, Leadership and Community
Welcoming thousands of visitors monthly and growing, we feature agriculture jobs across the United States.

We’re proud to be USA based, family owned and operated.

Please reach out to Nick James at nick@farmingwork.com or contact@farmingwork.com

Building Confidence in Safety and Wellbeing with an On-Farm Workshop
Jul 2024 by Laura Fredrickson-Gosewisch

Learn about events where farmers can work together to build up knowledge and confidence about taking care of themselves– minds and bodies – while also taking care of the land. The MVEG Network…

Soil Health in Vegetable Fields and High Tunnels: Lessons from 100 Farms 
2024 by Lauren Barry, Natalie Hoidal, Skyler Hawkins 

Small-scale (<50 acre) vegetable farms are an increasingly important part of the Upper Midwest food system, but little is documented about the soils on these farms, particularly in high tunnels. To…

Saving Real Organic 
2024 by Dave Chapman, Francis Thicke 

Organic farmers are struggling with the challenges of the eroding integrity of the National Organic Program. Rather than throw up their hands and turn away, many of the pioneers of the American…

Managing Manure for the Climate 
2024 by Dr. Nesli Akdeniz, Rebecca Larson 

Manure management is critical for fertility in organic systems and for protecting the environment. Recent research highlights practices to reduce greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from organic…

Overcoming Entry Barriers for Emerging, Beginning, and Immigrant Farmers 
2024 by Vitalis Tita

This workshop will address some of the challenges that beginning farmers, particularly immigrant farmers in minority communities, face as they try to gain traction and carve spaces for themselves…

A Farmer on the Front Lines of Climate Change 
2024 by Wendy Johnson 

Wendy Johnson has one boot in the conventional row crop world and the other in the world of regenerative food farming. Hear her personal account of the flooding, drought, derechos, and tornadoes that…

The Historical Context of Land Access in the United States and Modern Impacts on Indigenous Peoples 
2024 by Alex “Bagwaj” Kmett 

In this presentation, Bagwaj will briefly describe the relationship between Indigenous nations and settler-colonial states that set up the legal basis for continued occupation, treaties, and actions…

Farmers Market Food Hubs: An Innovative Way to Connect 
2024 by Allison Rian, Sara George, Tina Moen

Farming is complicated enough, and marketing to schools, hospitals, and restaurants on your own adds an additional layer of stress. Come learn how participating in a Virtual Food Hub, aka the Farmers…

Grow Your Own Fertilizer
2024 by Sandy Syburg

For those experiencing unprecedented financial volatility and scarcity of resources, discover some real-scale challenges and solutions with data-backed research to learn the possibilities of using…

Building Fairness and Cooperation at Your Farm 
2024 by Jon Magee

Small farms thrive on healthy, fair relationships among farmers, workers, and customers. When everyone is treated with respect and care, they make the farm more productive, safe, and resilient in the…

Building Your Own Seed Sovereignty to Boost Economic Growth and Production on Your Farm 
2024 by April Parms Jones 

Building Your Own Seed Sovereignty to Boost Economic Growth and Production on Your Farm 

Meet the Heirlooms: Introduction to Growing Heirloom Beans 
2024 by Paula Foreman

Mention “beans” and what comes to mind is often navy, kidney, or pinto. In this workshop, meet Lina Cisco’s Bird Egg, Kenearly Yellow Eye, Peregion, and Christmas Lima. With names as fantastic as…

Putting the Soil Micro-Livestock to Work for You 
2024 by Michael Borucke 

There are more soil microbes in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on the planet, so whose farm plan is accounting for them properly? A functioning soil ecosystem made up of aerobic…

Observations From An Inspector
Jan 2024 by Dean Dickel

Wow, I just finished my third season of organic farm inspections and am mostly impressed with the 61 farms I visited this summer.
Here are my observations and take-aways from my work, with the caveat…

National Young Farmer's Coalition | Young Farmer Grant Program

Beginning Farmers, Beginning Farmers : Connect with Peers, Land Access, Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Farm Business : Marketing, Farm Business : Funding, Farm Business : Certification, Farming Systems, Leadership and Community
For the last four years, the National Young Farmers Coalition (Young Farmers) has partnered with Chipotle to support young and beginning farmers and ranchers start up and grow their businesses with a flexible funding opportunity each spring. The program provided 50 farmers and ranchers with $5,000 each in the spring of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Grant recipients also received a one-year membership to the National Young Farmers Coalition.

In the fifth and final year of the program, they are celebrating distributing 50 grants to a new cohort of young farmers and ranchers in 2024!

Learn more and apply here

Recordkeeping Workbook

Beginning Farmers, Farm Business, Farming Systems
This workbook provides recordkeeping templates that can be used for both organic certification and crop insurance reporting—a valuable way to optimize your recordkeeping time when you are participating in both of these programs.

Fearless Farm Finances

Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Farm Business : Certification
This one-of-a-kind resource is packed with instructions, tips, and tools for setting up and managing a farm’s financial system. It includes real-life examples from successful farmers and sample data to show how forms and records should look.

Organic Currant and Gooseberry Production
Oct 2023 by Chris McGuire

“All in all, currants and gooseberries are healthful, delicious fruits which can thrive on organic farms in our region. Currants are particularly easy to grow, high-yielding plants; gooseberries can…

Keeping Vegetable Farmers Growing Through One-on-One Professional Peer Coaching
Oct 2023 by Sarah Janes Ugoretz

Marbleseed's 2023 Farm Bill Platform

Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Public Policy
The Farm Bill, legislation in twelve titles, covers all the ways we farm, and utilize farm products. It also addresses rural communities, conservation, energy, and nutrition programs. Critical research,
education and extension programs that farmers rely on are also supported by Farm Bill Programs and Titles.

As a farmer-led, education non-profit, Marbleseed actively engages with several of the titles in the Farm Bill. As we head into the season of marker bills (legislation that will likely become part of the comprehensive Farm Bill), we want to be prepared to tell our story of human scale, organic production that feeds our communities.
In identifying our main priorities for the Farm Bill, we looked at current Farm Bill funding that continues Marbleseed programs and supports farmers in the upper Midwest. But we also want to
use the platform to propose solutions to ongoing challenges that the Marbleseed community has identified and that act as barriers to getting more organic farmers on the land.

The four priorities of the Marbleseed Farm Bill platform do not represent ALL the issues that we care about. Instead, they are focused on our strategic plan as well as current programming that is
making a difference for organic farmers in the upper Midwest. These priorities also create deeper partnerships with allied organizations and advocacy coalitions where Marbleseed is a member, adding our voices to the solutions needed to make organic farming at human scale accessible and viable as an enterprise, while improving the health of people, planet and communities.

Asbestos Exposure

Farming Systems, Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
Nearly 250,000 people are killed worldwide from asbestos-related illnesses every year. Asbestos exposure can occur from using certain materials and tools in the workplace, and in homes and schools that were built with asbestos-laden products. Individuals exposed to this harmful mineral are at risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses. These include lung cancer and mesothelioma, which can take decades to develop and for symptoms to appear.

Increasing Crop Diversity in Wisconsin through the Emerging Crops Coalition
Jul 2023 by Jason Fischbach and Steffen Mirsky

Jason Fishbach and Steffen Mirsky are statewide UW-extension Outreach Specialists who recently launched the WI Emerging Crops Coalition. Members of the WI Emerging Crops Coalition first came together…

A Small Producer’s View on Upcoming Changes in Organic Production
Jul 2023 by National Organic Program Staff

USDA’s new Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) regulation is now a reality, and understandably sparking a lot of conversation about what the changes will cost and how much time it will take…

Get Started! A Guide to USDA Resources for Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers

Beginning Farmers, Beginning Farmers : Connect with Peers, Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities, Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Get Started! A Guide to USDA Resources for Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers is a new multi-agency publication that provides information on assistance and targeted opportunities available to minority, women, veteran, beginning and limited resource producers. This 40-page guide, available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Hmong, Korean, Thai and Vietnamese, can help you get started with USDA, whether you are new to farming, ranching, or forestry management, or just new to working with us. From farm loans to crop insurance, and conservation programs to disaster assistance, USDA is here to support you and your operation.

Wisconsin Beginning Farmer Resource Guide

Beginning Farmers, Land Access, Land Access : Incoming Farmers, Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Farm Business : Marketing, Farming Systems, Field Crops, Fruits and Specialty Crops, Vegetables, Livestock, Production, Production : General, Soils
USDA Farm Service Agency in Wisconsin, in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service; Risk Management Agency; Rural Development; Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP); and UW-Madison Extension is proud to announce the launch of the Wisconsin Beginning Farmer Resource Guide.

This guide was developed to provide producers just getting started in agriculture with a well-rounded resource. Set up as a road map, it walks beginning farmers through the various resources available to support them through their journey of starting an agriculture operation, farm, or food business. The road map includes stops for phases such as Brainstorming, Learning, Planning, Funding, Forming, Operating, and Networking, as well as additional resources.

Wisconsin Beginning Farmer Resource Guide

Beginning Farmers, Land Access, Farm Business, Farming Systems, Leadership and Community
This guide was developed to provide producers just getting started in agriculture with a well-rounded resource. Set up as a road map, it walks beginning farmers through the various resources available to support them through their journey of starting an agriculture operation, farm, or food business. The road map includes stops for phases such as Brainstorming, Learning, Planning, Funding, Forming, Operating, and Networking, as well as additional resources.

Farming Into the Future by Centering Farmworkers

Farm Business, Farm Business : General, Farming Systems, Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Farmer Leader, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities, Leadership and Community : Public Policy, Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
​​To provide individuals working on diversified vegetable farms with information, examples, and resources that support long-term career paths for farmworkers, enhance farmer quality of life, and strengthen farm businesses.

We know that if you’re reading this, you probably have important things to contribute to this discussion. With that in mind, we are treating this as a living document so it can better reflect farmers’ experiences while providing support around evolving needs over time. If you have stories, questions, or resources you’d like to share with us, please get in touch with Sarah (sarah@csacoalition.org).

What are Fair Systems for Farm and Food Businesses? | Audio Article
Apr 2023 by Adam Utley

As current OEFFA Executive Director, Rachel Tayse, describes, “In a truly just future, farms will fully support and sustain the ecological and human resources needed to produce food, fuel, and fiber…

Crowd-Sourcing Livestock Integration Innovation | Audio Article
Apr 2023 by Laura Paine, Amy Fenn, and Jane Jewett

Organic farmers don’t have to be convinced of the value of diversified farming systems that integrate livestock in terms of nutrient cycling, breaking pest and disease cycles, promoting soil health…

2023 Frontera Farmer Applications

Beginning Farmers, Farm Business, Farming Systems
The Frontera Farmer Foundation is committed to promoting small, sustainable Midwestern farms serving the Chicago area by providing them with capital development grants. Small local farms, which often struggle financially, are more likely to promote biodiversity by planting a wide range of produce and operating using organic practices. By their artisanal approach to agriculture, the freshness of their product, and the variety of their offerings, these farmers ensure the highest quality food while they add immeasurably to the fabric of their local rural community.

Frontera Farmer Foundation will award grants for capital improvements of up to $12,000 to small and mid-size farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin that sell their food products to customers in the Chicago area at farmer’s markets and otherwise. We define “small and midsize” to mean family farms with up to $600,000 in annual gross revenue.

Farmers must have been in business for at least three years and must demonstrate how the grant will improve both their farm’s viability and the availability of locally grown food products in the Chicago area. Farms that have been awarded grants will be eligible every other year.

Nonprofit farms & farms with nonprofit parent organizations are not eligible for grants.

Learn more

Mobile Infrastructure for Rotational Grazing and Fencing
2023 by Brad Ketchum, Mat Boerson, Paul and Marisa Maggio, Randy Cutler

Join Randy Cutler of Cutler Fence and a panel of experienced graziers
as they share the what and how of mobile solutions for grazing needs
and pasture health. They will look at options for managing…

In Their Own Words - What Farm Employees Value in a Work Experience
2023 by Abby Benson, Sarah Janes Ugoretz, Magdalen Ng

Hired labor is crucial to the success of many diversified vegetable
farms. Yet farm owners struggle to attract and retain employees,
and many of those employees struggle to build a sustainable career…

Managed Grazing 101
2023 by Hannah Bernhardt, Morgan LaSalle

Grazing curious? Join Hannah Bernhardt from Medicine Creek Farm
and Morgan LaSalle of ForageScape Farm to learn the basic principles
of good pasture management and hear their experiences with…

Taming the Workload / Agile Systems Management for Small Farms
2023 by Joel Barr

While there are many “how-to” resources on small-scale farming, there are a few on the concepts of work(load) management. After years of frustration Joel began to research methods used in various…

One Year Corn, One Year Rye with Clover a Soil Regenerative System
2023 by Gary Zimmer

A few challenges with organic farming include weed control,
providing enough nitrogen, and excess tillage. Learn what Otter
Creek Organic farm has done to address these issues. We have been

2023 by Michael Gutschenritter, Jody Padgham, Heather Flashinski, Nick Westby

Jody Padgham, long time organic poultry farmer and editor of Raising
Poultry on Pasture: Ten Years of Success, will moderate a panel
of farmers using paddock shift, chicken tractors, and day ranging…

Effective Management of Livestock in Organic Row Crops
2023 by Kathleen Delate and Francis Thicke

Many of the problems we face in agriculture today are the result of disconnecting the animals and plants that together provide our food. This workshop focuses on strategies for reconnecting livestock…

Organic Management of Canada Thistle
2023 by Dave Campbell, Joel Gruver

If you are dealing with this perennial weed in your fields, you know
what a stalwart adversary it can be. With its ability to spread by
seed and from vegetative buds in the root system, it can be a…

Reducing Tillage in Organic Vegetable Production
2023 by Rue Genger, Claire Strader, Dylan Bruce, Liz Dwyer

Farmer-led learning and on-farm research into cover crop-based reduced tillage will build resilience to extreme rainfall for diversified vegetable production.

Organic Apples 101
2023 by Rachel Henderson, Tom Rosenfeld

Want to grow organic apples? This session will address both the
business of apples and the basics of growing certified organic apples
in the Midwest. Topics include choosing your market, site…

Farming and Quality of Life: Two Perspectives
2023 by Thelma Heidel-Baker, Ariel Pressman

This workshop will provide two different perspectives: one from a vegetables farmer who ultimately decided to leave farming and one from a Dairy farmer making adjustments to stay in farming. They will…

Organic Research Forum Presentations
2023 by Various

The Organic Research Forum showcases research studies on organic
farming practices and brings together researchers and farmers to
discuss goals and future research needs. The Organic Research Forum

Poultry Production Models
2023 by Jody Padgham

Jody Padgham, long time organic poultry farmer and editor of Raising
Poultry on Pasture: Ten Years of Success, will moderate a panel
of farmers using paddock shift, chicken tractors, and day ranging…

Crop Insurance for Conservation-Minded Operations
2023 by Kate Hansen, Megan Vaith

When deciding to implement a new conservation practice, it’s
important to make sure your risk management strategies align. This
presentation will provide an overview of how crop insurance interacts…

Weed Management for Organic Field Crops
2023 by Joel Gruver

New to field crop production or transitioning to organic
management? Effective organic weed management requires more
than just equipment. Joel Gruver of Western Illinois University
will identify…

Organic Transition 101
2023 by Kristen Adams

Thinking about transitioning to organic? Hear from organic certifiers
about steps to take, and resources to help you along the way.

Improving High Tunnel Soils with Cover Crops
2023 by Julie Grossman and Hannah Walsh

High tunnels are becoming an increasingly popular approach to extend the vegetable cropping season in cold climates. However, soil and nutrient management in organic high tunnels can be challenging…

Doubling Down on Diversity & Creating an Economy Based in Abundance, Care and Reciprocity
2023 by Anna Jones-Crabtree, Doug Crabtree

What does it take to double down on diversity in crops, animals,
enterprises and community in order to build farms that thrive
in the face of adversity? Farming on a planet with an unstable

Organic Farming & Climate Risk: Assessing & Understanding the Insurable Risks of Organic Production
2023 by Jeff Schahczenski

The long-term trends of insurable losses have been increasing and
may further increase because of changing and disruptive weather
and climate. Can organic farmers better assess their weather-related…

Reclaiming Ancestral Knowledge, Dismantling Structural Racism
2023 by Malcom Evans, Xavier Colon

Join 2022 Marbleseed Changemaker Awardee Urban Grower’s
Collective for a discussion about their programs and how they are
affecting change.

Panel: Vegetable Market Analysis
2023 by Laura Frerichs, Becca Carlson Rudebusch, Liz Granak, and Atina Diffley

It is always something. Markets change. One day home-delivered produces boxes are cutting into CSA sales; the next, a pandemic shuts down restaurants, colleges, and farmers markets. In this workshop…

On Farm Forestry - Finding Value in Your Woods
2023 by Tony Johnson

Farm woodlots have the potential to add economic, environmental,
and social value to your agricultural operation. This workshop will
provide an overview of the planning, people, and programs that can…

Going Solar on Your Farm: Producing Renewable Solar Energy for Profit and Sustainability
2023 by Francis Blake, Bobby King, Nicole Rakobitsch, and Art Thicke

Farmers use solar energy to produce food and fiber. Now with solar arrays it is possible to add renewable electricity to your farm's production. A solar array will pay for itself, generate profit…

Soil Nutrient Management 101
2023 by Glen Borgerding

Learn about soil testing and nutrient management principles in
organic production systems. Topics will include soil testing and its
interpretation, crop rotations, nutrient cycling, manure, compost…

Ask a Vet
2023 by Tom Roskos, Sarah Slaby

Ever wished you could just corner your veterinarian and ask them all
those burning questions you have regarding the well-being of all your
livestock? Well, here is your chance! This facilitated Q&A…

Pastured Pigs for Beginners
2023 by Dayna Burness

Thinking of getting into pastured pigs? Dayna Burtness of Nettle
Valley Farm will introduce the basics of finishing pigs on pasture,
including fencing, food/water/shelter options, finding feeder pigs…

Outlook for Organic - Challenges, Opportunities, and Continual Improvement
2023 by Moderator: Lori Stern Panel: Francis Thicke, David Glasgow, Alan Lewis, Adam Warthesen, Doug Crabtree

There are a number of reasons to be enthusiastic about the future
of Organic as we work our way through this time of unprecedented
support from the USDA, ever growing consumer demand for many…

Shaping the 2023 Farm Bill Together
2023 by Margaret Krome, Kate Mendenhall, Steve Etka, Hannah Quigley, Maia Usher-Rasmussen

The process is underway to develop the 2023 Farm Bill, and now is
the time for the organic community to move our priorities forward
together. Join this panel discussion as we identify our shared…

Strategies for Developing a More Robust Rotation
2023 by Margaret Smith, Mike Schulist

Longer and more diverse crop rotations can improve soil health,
reduce weed pressure, help with pest and disease management and
boost biodiversity. But how does one develop a rotation best suited

Introduction to Growing Pears
2023 by David Sliwa

Pears can be among the choicest of tree fruits when grown to perfection. Growing a really good pear starts with selecting among the best of the old and new varieties; training and pruning these…

An Abundance of Broccolini Trials: 2022 Results From Across the Upper Midwest
2023 by Natalie Hoidal, Kristine Lang, Anna Racer

Join us for updates on a variety of broccoli trials, conducted in
partnership with farmers and gardeners across the upper Midwest.
This session will highlight variety trials including: screening for…

Panel: Next Level Graziers
2023 by Joe Tomandl, Jason Cavadini, Angie Sullivan, Mat Boerson, Cheyenne Christianson

Hear from a panel of experienced grazing practitioners about how
they manage their pastures and the tricks and tips that took their
grazing to the “next level.” This discussion will be moderated by…

Cooperatives: A Business Model for the Solidarity Economy
2023 by Austin Frerick, Lauren Langworthy, Ken Meter, Kelly Maynard, Josh Bryceson

Generations of farmers have depended on cooperatives as an
essential tool to support their livelihoods and their communities.
Do co-ops support a fairer food system? Can they offer alternative…

Building Community Food Webs
2023 by Kristy Lynn Allen, Amy Bacigalupo, and Ken Meter

Organic farms can be potent community builders. By pursuing healthy farming practices, we create new fertility and lower environmental costs, reducing financial flows away from rural communities. Yet…

Tips and Tales to Start and Stay in the Mushroom Business
2023 by Joe and Mary Ellen Foltz

Mushroom cultivation is relatively new to the small-farm scene and
emerging technologies, equipment and methods keep the grower
challenged to meet demand and stay economically strong. Learn
from four…

Maximizing Nitrogen Fixation From Legumes
2023 by Rebecca Fudge

Nitrogen is critical for plant’s growth and development. Most plants
take up nitrogen from the soil, but the legume family of plants can
derive nitrogen directly from the air. How can you ensure you…

Perennials on Cut Flower Farms
2023 by Maggie Sheehan

Growing perennial flowers and shrubs is a fantastic way to add
diversity and to extend the growing season for a cut flower farm. We
will discuss some of our favorite perennial flower and foliage crops…

Creative Land Access for Beginning Farmers
2023 by Bonnie Warndahl, Brett Olson, Katie Kubovcik, Moses Momanyi

Join experienced Farmland Access Navigators to learn about the
current challenges and solutions of land tenure. They will share land
access stories and dive into creative solutions to land acquisition…

Record Keeping for Dairy Producers
2023 by Kristen Adams, Mary Capehart

This workshop will explore how to keep records that help prepare you
for your annual organic inspection, remain in compliance, and work
for your operation.

5 Legal Best Practices for Every Farm
2023 by Rachel Armstrong

We will show you the what, why, and how around legal fundamentals
like liability, business structures, and government regulations for
worker and product safety to build your farm’s legal resilience…

Biosecurity for Pastured Poultry Producers
2023 by Kevin Ellis

With recent outbreaks of Avian Influenza, keeping poultry flocks healthy has become an important topic for anyone who has chickens, turkeys, ducks or other fowl. Implementing biosecurity plans and…

Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Farm
2023 by Wyatt Parks

Tired of doing everything the hard way? Looking to increase
efficiency and save yourself from a lifetime of back pain and sore
muscles? Maybe just thinking about upgrading from your old Allis

Funding Your Farm with Little to No Debt - Grants and Creative Fundraising Strategies for Farmers
2023 by Fresh Roberson

There are a variety of ways to incorporate money into your farm
besides the sales of your products. We will share several ways to fund
your farm while minimizing or avoiding the stress of debt and…

NOP Program Update and Focus on Transition to Organic Partnership (TOPP)
2023 by David Glasgow, Allison Walent

David Glasgow, Associate Deputy Administrator of the National
Organic Program, will provide an update on all that is happening at
the NOP, including priorities moving forward. He will be joined by…

Managed Rotational Grazing Policies: An Overview of Farm Bill Programs to Support Regenerative Agriculture,”

Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Grazing, Field Crops, Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Farmer Leader, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities, Leadership and Community : Public Policy
The team at Vermont Law and Graduate School’s Center for Agriculture and Food Systems has published a report titled “Managed Rotational Grazing Policies: An Overview of Farm Bill Programs to Support Regenerative Agriculture,” which outlines how farm bill programs can be leveraged to support farmers’ and ranchers’ livelihoods while encouraging managed rotational grazing as an adaptive tool for climate resilience.

The Land Access Dilemma—How the Hub Can Help - Audio article
Jan 2023 by Bonnie Warndahl

Bonnie Warndahl, Farmland Access Navigator discusses land access issues for farmers, including her own story, and what Renewing the Countryside's (RTC) Farmland Access Program is initiating to help…

Beginning Farmer Institute

Beginning Farmers, Beginning Farmers : Connect with Peers
National Farmers Union's Beginning Farmer Institute (BFI) is a free, year-long training program intended to improve the health of your farm or ranch business.

Facilitating Beginning Farmer Access to Farmland

Land Access, Land Access : Incoming Farmers
November/December 2021 Organic Broadcaster article about farmland access for beginning farmers.

Working Together to Address Farmer Well Being and Mental Health - Audio article
Nov 2022 by Joy Kirkpatrick

Farming can be incredibly stressful. From financial challenges to unpredictable weather conditions, and access to labor, there are a multitude of issues impacting farmer's mental health daily. Luckily…

USDA Assistance for Beginning Farmers

Beginning Farmers
USDA assistance for beginning farmers including loans, grants, conservation, crop insurance, and farm support.

The Farm Answers Library

Beginning Farmers
The Farm Answers library provides answers to the questions that you have about starting your farm or ranch, including Business Management, Marketing, People, Production as well as Taxes & Legal.

The Organic Grower Harvest Manual

Vegetables, Production
The following Organic Grower Manual has been rewritten reflecting current practices from a broader community of farmers while reflecting the latest research and guidelines for safe production, harvest, and post-harvest procedures.

The Mesothelioma Center

Farming Systems, Leadership and Community, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
Agricultural workers and farmers work on farms to produce crops, livestock and dairy products. Farmers are at risk of exposure to asbestos through the soil, vermiculite, and products on farming equipment and machinery. The Mesothelioma Center provides free informational books, packets and a Patient Advocacy program that works 1-on-1 with individuals to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups.

The CSA Innovation Network

Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Organic, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
New and growing network of the many regional CSA networks around the US.

Northeast Organic Farming Association

Farming Systems : Organic, Leadership and Community
Northeast Organic Farming Association 2022 Winter Conference.

The Agricultural Justice Project

Farm Business, Farming Systems, Leadership and Community
Standards for fair labor policies with an extensive Tool-kit for farmers that includes resources in improving pricing so that the farm can pay living wages, a model employee handbook grounded in fairness that is easy to adapt for your farm, health and safety planning, conflict resolution, evaluations, information on what makes a fair contract, and many templates for recording safety trainings.

The CSA Charter

Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Organic, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
Resource for posting on CSA websites to help members understand the full meaning of joining a CSA.


Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Organic, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
International network of CSA and Solidarity Economic networks, and also has great resources, including courses that both farmers and their customers can take in the many ways of being a good food citizen.

Guidebook for Organic Certification

Farm Business : Certification, Farming Systems, Farming Systems : Organic
Resource guidebook to transition your farm to certified organic

A Greener World

Certification Agency
Home of North America's leading food labels; growing family of trusted certifications includes Animal Welfare Approved, Certified GrassFed and Certified Non GMO

Identifying rhizobia partners for cold-hardy vetch
May 2022 by Rebecca Fudge, first place winner, 2022 Organic Research Forum

Cover crops provide multiple benefits on organic farms, but there are few cover crop options that successfully overwinter in the Upper Midwest. Hairy vetch is the most reliable winter-hardy cover crop…

Expanding the Farmland Access Navigator Team
May 2022 by Marbleseed

Finding quality, affordable land is challenging. The Land Access Hub is a group of professionals that assist in land acquisition and are aware of the challenges and needs of beginning farmer land…

Inside Organics: Regenerative Poultry Convergence report
May 2022 by Diane Beck

At the beginning of March, Regenerative Agriculture Alliance hosted the Inaugural Regenerative Poultry Convergence. The two-day event took place in Albert Lea, Minnesota, and brought together…

My story of hope
May 2022 by Wilber De La Rosa

I was born and raised in a very vibrant area agriculturally speaking: a place on the southern coast of Guatemala where a wide variety of agricultural products are produced and where livestock farming…

Early Adopter of a Perennial Grain in North Dakota: John Luoma
May 2022 by Anne Queenan

Remembering his youthful days in Oakes, North Dakota when the horse-drawn Overshot Haystacker and kerosene lamps were replaced with new hydraulic mechanics and electricity on the farm, John Luoma has…

Remembering holistic orchard specialist, Michael Phillips
May 2022 by Rachel Henderson

Michael Phillips died unexpectedly at his home orchard in Northumberland, New Hampshire, on Sunday, February 27. Michael owned and operated Lost Nation Orchard and Heartsong Farm with his wife…

Update on the NOP Origin of Livestock Rulemaking
May 2022 by Organic Valley

Organic Valley, which sources organic milk from over 1,700 organic dairy farmers nationwide, applauds and welcomes the long-awaited announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to finalize the…

MOSES to Marbleseed: New resilience
May 2022 by Lori Stern

Marbleseed is a prairie plant native to the Midwest. It has a deep taproot and thrives in areas grazed by cattle and is one of the first to return, resilient after fire.

We gotta fight for our right to repair
May 2022 by Tom Manley

Although it may lack the youthful enthusiasm of earlier protests, the ongoing effort to secure the right for farmers to have some choice in their equipment service options is gaining momentum. It is…

Ask a Specialist - How can I improve fertility in my organic fruit trees?
May 2022 by Rachel Henderson

The fertility needs of perennial fruit crops are very different from those of annual vegetable or row crops. Trees and shrubs must be managed for both long-term soil fertility AND yearly nutrient…

Food Safety Decision Tools

Farm Business, Production
The national Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) website has added farm food safety “decision trees” to help farmers identify risks and implement food-safe practices. Nine decision trees are available, including worker hygiene, soil amendments, wildlife management, and postharvest handling.

26 Ways to be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
A list of ways you can engage in your community around racial justice

Food and Agriculture Justice Resources

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Resources, guides, and video series on food justice

Mapping our Roles in Social Change Ecosystems Worksheet

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Framework to help invididuals, networks, and organizations align with social change

National Latino Farmers and Ranchers

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
NLFR provides policy advocacy, farm management and sustainability training, conservation best practices, and technical assistance that enables Latinos and multiethnic farmworkers, farmers, and ranchers who have been historically discriminated against to transition and thrive in indigenous, regenerative and sustainable farming and ranching operations, while strengthening and safeguarding our national food supply system.

Intertribal Agricultural Council

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Providing a unified effort to promote change in Indian agriculture for the benefit of Indian people

Hmong American Partnership

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Empowering the community to embrace the strengths of Hmong culture while acheiving potential

Hmong Farmers Association

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Supporting Hmong American Farmers

Planning The Organic Orchard

Farm Business : General
Factsheet: Planning and design tips for your organic orchard

Annotated Bibliography on Structural Racism Present in the U.S. Food System

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Current research and outreach on structural racism in the U.S. food system for food system practitioners, researchers, educators, and advocates.

Big River Farms

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Incubator farm near Marine in St. Croix, MN

United Farm Workers

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
The nation's first enduring and largest farm worker's union

National Black Farmers Association

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Non-profit representing African American farmers

Responding to Microaggressions and Bias

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Sample conversations for how to respond to microagressions and bias

Sustainable Vegetable Production Website

Farm Business : General
Sustainable Vegetable Production website to share results from research on strategies that enhance vegetable production and cropping systems.

Talking About Race Series

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Tools and guidance to empower you to talk about race

Soul Fire Farm Action Steps & Policy Platform

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Food sovereignty action steps compiled by Soul Fire Farm and Northeast Farmers of Color alliance.

Do you have any tips to extend the grazing season?
Sep 2021

The growth phase of the pasture season is coming to a rapid end as we advance through the fall. However, we still have plenty of options to optimize fall grazing in the transition to winter. One of…

New Farmer U builds strong foundation for beginning farmers' success
Jul 2021 by Sarah Woutat

It’s exciting to start a farm. You come into it with a passion, sure that you are READY! You’ve worked on other farms to learn the ropes, attended conferences and field days, read dozens of books, and…

What apple varieties do you recommend for a new organic orchard?
May 2021

Most people can name a few apple varieties: those available at grocery stores, those we remember from childhood, maybe a few more for people who regularly visit a local orchard in the fall. But there…

Farmer explores organic strategies to control Canada thistle in orchard

weed management for organic apple orchards

Online GAP Courses

Farm Business : Certification
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach now offers free online food safety training modules for farmers’ market managers and vendors. The four modules cover good agricultural practices (GAP) for pre-harvest, post-harvest, marketing and best practices at the market, and value-added products

Midwest Cover Crops Field Guide, third edition

Production : Fertility, Production : Pests, Production : Diseases, Production : Weeds
The pocket-sized guide from Purdue University and the Midwest Cover Crops Council is designed to help farmers choose, grow and use appropriate cover crops in their farming operations.

What’s your advice for managing the current forage crisis?
Jul 2020

As a full-forage Grassfed dairy and beef grazier, I find it paramount to grow as much quality forage as our farm can every year. Conditions in Wisconsin this year have made that especially challenging…

What are some strategies for fertility and weed management?
May 2020

An interesting part of my position with Marbleseed as a crop specialist is the variety of questions that come my way. The questions range widely from specific crop rotations to determining what to…

How can I transition my existing orchard to organic?
May 2020

For people considering organic certification, it’s commonly understood that you’ll have to change some of your management practices. When the crops you grow are annuals, it seems fairly st…

NYTimes 1619 Podcast

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
An audio series on slavery


Farm Business : Funding, Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
This guide is written for anyone seeking help from federal programs to foster sustainable and innovative initiatives in this country associated with agriculture and forestry.

SARE Cover Crop Survey

Leadership and Community : Healthy Communities
2019-2020 National Cover Crop Survey by USDA SARE, CTIC, and ASTA with information from 1,172 farmer responses across the country.

Racial Equity Toolkit compiled by National Young Farmers Coalition

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Toolkit to help farmers organize around transformative learning and action.

158 Resources to Understand Racism in America

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Articles, videos, podcasts and websites on racism in America

Leah Penniman Keynote 2020

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Keynote from Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm and author of “Farming While Black”

Lessons For Talking About Race, Racism and Racial Justice

Leadership and Community : Racial Equity
Advice based on research, experience and unput from partners on how to talk about race

Premier 1 Supplies

Equipment Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
For almost 35 years, providing electric fence and netting; sheep, goat and poultry supplies; as well as expert advice

Wisconsin Dept of Ag, Trade & Consumer Protection (WI DATCP)

State Agency
Assures the safety and quality of food, fair business practices for the buyer and seller, efficient use of agricultural resources, consumer protection, healthy animals and plants, and the vitality of…

Natural Products, Inc.

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Provides organic full fat and low fat soy ingredients for bakery, beverage, and soy foods

The Stewards Journal

Resource and Advocacy Organization
An effort to encourage the sharing of organic farming knowledge amoung the plain-church communities. Free sample publication. Subscription $25 (make check to “Barnyard Classifieds”).

Land Stewardship Project (LSP)

Resource and Advocacy Organization
A membership organization working to build a just, sustainable food and farming system that cares for people and the land

Kunafin "The Insectary"

Pest Control Supplier
Producer of beneficial insects supplying major agribusiness operations throughout the world. Fly parasites are a successful and economical tool in reducing fly populations in dairy, feedlot, poultry…

Midwestern BioAg, Inc

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Products and programs (soils, crops, and animal nutrition) to assist farmers in managing an efficient and profitable operation

Imants USA

Equipment Supplier
Supplier of 4-15 ft Imants rotary spader tillage tool for incorporating large amounts of organic material, such as crop residue, straw, compost or green manure in a single pass

AgriEnergy Resources

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
One stop shop for organic soil fertility products, organic pesticides, and our proven biological products including SP-1, Residuce, and Myco Seed Treat

Gatr Products, LLC

Equipment Supplier, Hand Tools Supplier
Designs and manufactures tools that give more power and possibilities to move things simpler, safer and sooner

Terra Biotics

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
5 touch organic fertilizer program. Helping every step of the way to get your soil dialed in to achieve the best yields possible

High Mowing Organic Seeds

Seed Supplier
An independently-owned, farm-based seed company offering over 700 varieties of 100% organic and non-GMO vegetable, flower and herb seed.

Ciranda, Inc.

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Offering organic, non-GMO, fair trade and sustainable ingredients to the food and body care industries

Natural Needs LLC

Provides recommendations and consultations for best practices for sourcing; offers consumer outreach and education; direct marketing; philanthropy

Roeters Farm Equipment

Equipment Supplier
New and used vegetable equipment

River Hills Harvest

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Provides education, support, plants,and marketing for elderberry growers; produces 100% pure premium elderberry juice,honey sweetened cordial, and jelly

Adams Liquid Fertilizer, Organic Naturally

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
NOP, OMRI and all natural fertilizers. Liquid concentrates of lime, kelp, bonemeal, fish fertilizer to custom mix. Commercial pricing w/processed account

AgMotion Specialty Grains

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Buyer of organic corn, soybeans, flax and other small grains

Wisconsin Farmers Union

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Enhancing the quality of life for family farmers, rural communities and all people through educational opportunities, cooperative endeavors and civic engagement

Fertrell Company

Fertilizer Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Manufacturer of natural and organic fertilizers and feed supplements. Working with certified and sustainable growers. Call for free catalog or dealer near you

Organic Crop Improvement Association, NE Wisconsin Chapter #2 (OCIA)

Certification Agency
Founded in 1995, providing certification services to farmers and processors around the states of WI and MI

Marshalltown Community College - Entrepreneurial & Diversified Agriculture Program

University Program
Program offers one year certificates and two year degrees. Included on campus is a 140 acre farm used for demonstration to students and new farmers who wish to begin farming on site

SR Egg Farm

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Supplying 100% organic fertilizer consisting of 100% chicken manure. Available in pellets, crumbles or belt dried, and in 1 ton bags

Biological Products Industry Alliance

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
Dedicated to fostering the use of biological products including biopesticides and biostimulants

Sunco Marketing

Equipment Supplier
Manufactures a full line of planter attachments as well as Implement Guidance products including the Sunco Acura Trak and Sunco Stabilizer

Plantskydd Deer & Rabbit Repellent

Pest Control Supplier
Protect your field crops, fruits and vegetables from deer damage. Rainfast within 24 hours, the most effective, longest lasting repellent. Emits an odor that animals relate to predator activity

Cowsmo Inc

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Providing the finest quality compost and potting soil for the organic grower since 1990

Agri Life, LLC

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Supplies OMRI listed products which can be use as inputs for USDA Organic food production

Maple Valley Cooperative

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
A multi-stakeholder cooperative with a mission to produce and market the finest organic maple syrup products by fair and sustainable methods

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Federal Agency
The primary federal agency working to protect natural resources on private lands. NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to farmers for conservation planning and practices suited to their land…

Grindstone Farm

Equipment Supplier
Root crop washers: machines and kits

Stone Mill

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
An FDA and organic certified Food Facility that buys, markets, processes, and stores specialty food ingredients, including flax, garbanzo beans, and lentils

Earth Tools Inc

Equipment Supplier, Hand Tools Supplier
Nationwide supplier of BCS and Grillo walk-behind tractors, compatible implements, accessories and parts. Also: Forged-steel / professional-quality garden tools

Pro-Active Agriculture

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
Offers many customized products for an array of fields and gardens, and manufactures organic, conventional and sustainable agricultural products

Michigan Food and Farming Systems (MIFFS)

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Provides beginning and underserved farmers access to resource opportunities for developing profitable and environmentally sustainable businesses. A membership based, non-profit organization serving…

MSU North Farm

University Program
An education and research farm with Michigan State University that conducts on-farm research and hosts a farm incubator for beginning farmers

Spruce Acres Farm/Liquid Fish, Inc.

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
In business since 1991 selling Liquid Fish that is 51% solids, meaning you use less per acre. Try it and see

Redmond Minerals

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Top selling sea minerals in the country–Redmond Salt and Redmond Conditioner for animal and soil applications

Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Member based organization that protects the rights of farmers, artisan food producers, homesteaders, affiliates and consumers to engage in direct commerce

Beju Plant Food

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Offering soil stewardship through cover cropping, soil amendments, and microorganisms

Cedar Grove Cheese

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Manufacturer of traditional and specialty cheese since 1878

Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association-(OEFFA)

Certification Agency
Certifying producers and handlers, providing educational programs to serve organic and sustainable farmers, homesteaders, backyard gardeners, and consumers

Prairie Hybrid Seeds

Seed Supplier
Producer and seller of organic and non-GMO seed corn

FW Cobs Company, Inc.

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Purchaser and Seller of North American Organic Grains including Corn, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Peas, Soybeans, Screenings, Oats, and more

Organic Crop Improvement Association, Iowa Chapter #3 (OCIA)

Certification Agency
A chapter of the Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA), an international certifying agency

Practical Farmers of Iowa

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Strengthening farms and communities through farmer-led investigation and information sharing. Farmers lead our field days, farminars, workshops, research and more

Certified Organically Grown Professional (COG Pro)

Consultant, Service Provider, Certification Agency
A web-based system to keep records required for organic certification

Common Sense Soil Systems, LLC

Consultant, Service Provider
Independent crop and soil consultant in Northeast Wisconsin

West Michigan Beef

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Certified organic processor of beef

Ledebuhr Meat Processing

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Custom slaughter and processing, organic beef and pork. Some sausages and smoked pork

Roberts Seed Inc.

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor, Livestock Feed Supplier, Seed Supplier
Custom processing and sales of Certified Organic and non-GMO grains for food, feed and quality seed. Crop, Forage, cover crop seed. Chicken, cattle and pig food

Greater Earth Organics LLC

Equipment Supplier
Compost tea machines, compost, microbial foods and spraying equipment


Consultant, Service Provider
Connects farmers and consumers—join for free to promote your farm

Green Thumb Seeds

Seed Supplier, Soil Inputs Supplier, Pest Control Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Non-GMO vegetable seeds, organic-approved fertilizers, micronutrients, and pest control. Write for catalog, or visit retail store (closed Thursdays). Wholesale seed list also available.

Accredited Certifiers Association Inc

Certification Agency, Certification Agency
Non-profit educational organization offering resources to the USDA accredited organic certifier community and the organic industry

Crystal Creek Inc

Livestock Feed Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Supplies livestock nutrition services, minerals, complete feed, supplements, health aids, fly spray, inoculant, veterinary analysis, calf barn ventilation systems

Nature's Source

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Products that are proving every day to improve overall plant quality while increasing crop yields. USDA BioPreferred & OMRI Listed products available

Barr Refrigeration

Equipment Supplier
The World's largest selection of new and used walk in coolers, freezers and refrigeration equipment - in business since 1970

Boyd Station LLC

Livestock Feed Supplier
Buyer of certified organic soybeans; seller of certified organic soymeal, soy hulls, soy oil

The Natural Gardening Company

Seed Supplier
Supplier of certified organic vegetable, herb and flower seeds, certified organic seedlings and drip irrigation. Prompt delivery and free shipping offer for orders over $35

Ecocert ICO

Certification Agency, Certification Agency
An accredited inspection and certification agency in the food/feed/fiber industry offering multiple certification scopes for domestic or international needs

Kuhn North America Inc

Equipment Supplier
A leading innovator in agricultural and industrial equipment, specializing in mixers, spreaders, hay tools and tillage tools

American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA)

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Nonprofit educational and networking organization dedicated to encouraging the production, processing, and marketing of poultry raised on pasture

The Cornucopia Institute

Resource and Advocacy Organization
National non-profit research and advocacy group dedicated to organic integrity in support of family-scale organic farms

Featherman Equipment

Equipment Supplier
Poultry processing equipment

UNFI Foundation

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Connecting farms to families by delivering more organic and natural food to more plates across North America

Dakota Rural Action

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Members working to conserve and protect both South Dakota’s environment and our unique way of life

Demeter Association Inc

Certification Agency, Certification Agency
Provides whole farm Biodynamic® certification, viewing the farm as a living organism

Iowa Organic Association

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Working to advance organic opportunities by fostering education, research, promotion and market development and policy

USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) Minnesota

Federal Agency
Manages the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation to provide innovative crop insurance products to America’s farmers and ranchers

Wisconsin Mineral Solutions

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
Restoring health and vitality to soils; bringing forth higher quality foods to the benefit of animal and human health; distributor of Restora-Life minerals


Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
Provide reliable, environmentally responsible, personalized solutions to growers and farmers who manage plant diseases, pests, nutrition and health

Indian Hills Community College

University Program
Offers a program designed to provide area landowners, farmers, and young adults with access to land the entrepreneurial skills necessary to start a new, or further develop an existing, land-based…

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

Federal Agency
SARE grants and education program advances agricultural innovation that promotes profitability, stewardship, and quality of life

Midwest Organics

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Producing 99% pure worm castings and foliar products derived from worm castings

Common Ground Organic Consulting

Consultant, Service Provider, Certification Agency
Access expert organic consultation services and ensure ongoing compliance with your organic certification agency. You do the farming, I'll do the paperwork.

Vermont Compost Company

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Makers of living potting soil for organic growers

Ocean Organics

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
High performance,field proven,kelp based nutrients. These innovative products are used in Agriculture to enhance stress tolerance and improve crop programs

Bushman Organic Farms

Livestock Feed Supplier
Supplier of organic animal feed, buyer and seller of all organic feed grains, and logistics provider by truck or railcar

The NOD (National Oat Digest)

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor, Resource and Advocacy Organization
Quarterly newsletter for oat growers and buyers. Organic oat market news, variety reveiws, advertizing space included in subscription rate.

Thousand Hills Cattle Company LLC

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Premier grass fed beef brand in the Midwest, always looking for new cattle producers to join us

GrassWorks, Inc.

Resource and Advocacy Organization
A grassroots membership organization providing leadership & education to farmers & consumers for the advancement of managed grass-based agriculture

Poly-Tex, Inc.

Equipment Supplier, Hand Tools Supplier, Seasonal Extension Supplier
Manufactures high tunnels, ag structures, commercial and retail greenhouses and accessories, as well as shade systems and plant displays

Field and Forest Products Inc

Hand Tools Supplier, Seed Supplier
Producers of quality mushroom spawn for hobbiests and commercial growers cultivating gourmet and medicinal mushrooms plus kits, tools, supplies and advice

USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Grant County

Federal Agency
Provides direct financing, guarantees commercial financing, and provides credit counseling to farmers / ranchers

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Helping people by championing small-scale, local, and sustainable solutions to reduce poverty, promote healthy communities, and protect natural resources

Rodale Institute

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Researches the best practices of organic agriculture, advocates for policies for farmers, and educates consumers about how going organic is the healthiest option


Resource and Advocacy Organization
LocalHarvest connects people looking for good food with the farmers who produce it

SeaAgri, Inc.

Soil Inputs Supplier, Livestock Feed Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Supplier of SEA-90 minerals and trace elements for soil, crop and livestock, SEA-90 essential elements, SEA-90 agricultural mineral and SEA-90 foliar fertilizer

Weed Badger

Equipment Supplier
Factory direct precision in-row tillage and mowing equipment for orchards, vineyard, berry crops, hops, trees, fence line: anything in a row you need to till or mow

CowMaster, LLC

Livestock Products Supplier
Carries Dr. Karreman's Phyto-Mast tubes, Heat Seek capsules, GetWell anti-bacterial tincture, and EatWell digestive tincture

Neptune's Harvest Fertilizer

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Top of the line cold processed Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer, from the mineral rich North Atlantic Ocean. Also, Seaweed, Blends, Crab Shell, Kelp Meal and more

Four Elements Organic Herbals

Resource and Advocacy Organization, Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Offering hand-harvested organic herbs in small-batches of skincare, tinctures and teas on-line; cultivating nature's wisdom

Farm Commons

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Provides free educational farm law resources at our website that help farmers become the stable, resilient foundation of a community based food system

Carrington Research Center - NDSU

University Program
Organic research with field crops

Inpak Systems

Equipment Supplier
Manufacturer's rep for bagging or packaging scales, bag closing, conveying, palletizing and stretch wrapping equipment. Also, providing parts and service

Grain Millers, Inc.

Livestock Feed Supplier, Seed Supplier
Contracting/purchasing for organic oats, corn, soybeans, flax and other organic food and feed grains. Grower Sustainability Program. In House Agronomy Support

Olmix NA, Inc.

Livestock Feed Supplier, Livestock Products Supplier
Committed to improve the health of animals, reduce antibiotic dependence, use natural products, and improve the performance of dairy, swine, and poultry

Great Harvest Organics

Seed Supplier
Supplies the organic industry with elite corn, soybean, and wheat genetics

Bioblend Renewable Resources, LLC

Equipment Supplier
Produces a full line of biodegradable lubricants, including hydraulic fluids, greases, and universal tractor fluid. Our biodegradable and non-toxic formulations are designed to maximize renewable…

North Wind Renewable Energy Cooperative

Alternative Energy Supplier
Wisconsin’s most trusted renewable energy solution provider designing and installing solar electric systems for residential, commercial and agricultural customers

Whole Grain Milling

Buyer, Cooperative, or Processor
Grower/processor of organic grains; maker of whole grain flours, rolled oats, yellow and blue corn tortilla chips and pancake, hot cereal and bread mixes, etc

AgBio Inc

Soil Inputs Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier, Pest Control Supplier
Manufacturer and supplier of insect traps, mating disruption, biofungicides, and biopesticides

KOW Consulting Association

Soil Inputs Supplier, Livestock Feed Supplier, Fertilizer Supplier
Dairy minerals plus independent consultation on soil fertility, crop and grazing management, and ration formulation.

Agroecology Masters Program UW-Madison

University Program
Trains graduate students to research and analyze agricultural systems within a broader environmental and socio-economic context

Organic Seed Alliance

Resource and Advocacy Organization
Advancing ethical seed solutions to meet food and farming needs in a changing world through research, education, and advocacy programs