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Farming Resource

12/6/24: Farm Business Decisions Training Report Back

Topics: Beginning Farmers, Field Day / Training Recap
A small group of farmers gathered at the St. Croix Public Library December 1st to explore the Adaptive Learning Process. Led by Chrystal Johnson and Aiyana Sol Machado of Philadelphia Community Farm in Osceola, WI, it was an opportunity for growth and reflection.

To start the day, Chrystal and Aiyana led Exercises to relax participants and ease open interactions. The group then started to explore what factors most motivated their decision making processes on their farms. One illuminating exercise started by having farmers list several motivating factors that drive their farm business decisions. Through discussion, review and reflection, those factors were whittled down to three and then just one. With this in mind, farmers were asked to identify conflicts they currently face. Resolutions to these conflicts were then examined by identifying the best and worst possible outcomes as well as the outcome of not addressing the conflict. This disciplined approach to problem solving is designed to create a pathway for the best possible outcomes and identify the behaviors, strategies and actions will favor those best possible outcomes.

In attendance: Alpa Goswami Marbleseed

Chrystal Johnson Philadelphia Community Farm

Aiyana Col Machado Philadelphia Community Farm

Sara Anderson Mooney Marbleseed

Jody Lenz - Threshing Table Farm

Chris Pagliaro – Haycreek Honeybees

Emily Hanson – Whetstone Farm