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Leadership and Community

Farm work is rewarding, challenging, and ever evolving–especially in the face of climate change where unpredictable weather patterns can make last year’s planting calendar feel precarious. Between a changing climate, and increasing competition and market capture from industrialized farms, there is an ongoing need to develop a leader-full organic farming community that can advocate for system change from the grassroots to the treetops.

When it comes to the solutions needed to grow thriving organic farm businesses and strengthen organic food and farming systems, no one knows the answers better than the farmers and farmer-workers who are providing care and nourishment for those ecosystems every day.

Find your leadership niche and hone your advocacy skills to grow the organic farming movement with Marbleseed's suggested Leadership and Community Resources.

Advance Public Policy

Build your public speaking and storytelling skills to share your story at local town halls, with policy makers, and advocacy organizations building campaigns.

Show up for democracy

Full democratic participation is in all of our best interests. Find out how you can support little “d” democracy in your community, from canvassing opportunities to building your own campaign with grassroots financing and broad community support that centers the needs of a truly regenerative and intersectional food and farming system.

Support Healthy Communities

Whether you’re passionate about promoting equitable access to locally grown produce or protecting farms from pesticide drift, find tools and resources that cultivate healthy communities.

Be a Farmer Leader

Support the next wave of organic and regenerative farmers by being a farmer mentor, contributing to Marbleseed content, and build your farm community leadership skills with trainings, programs, and resource guides.